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Messages - Undertaxer

Well I will make sure i do that next time :) And the website is SSL approved ontime, so if you r still up for a generous donation i would appreciate it :)
I actually found this rather weird so i had to have a look for myself and everything is secure i checked the SSL certificate tester on various websites and all came out good.

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Thanks Ontime :) All is well with me thanks for asking, how about yourself?
{FWE} Clan Donations / AIDS/HIV WALK IN NYC :)
May 11, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
Hi Everyone!

i need help I ask a huge favor from you all. I would like to personally ask for a donation of minimum 25 dollars to the cause of AIDS/HIV. I will be doing the 6.2 mile walk on Sunday in NYC on May 15,2011 and I WILL COMPLETE ALL OF IT. I would run/jog the whole thing but then again their is 35,000 other people :O ! My personal goal is to get 1,000 funds to be considered a star walker. So pretty please help with anything that you can... TYPE IN MY NAME: ANDREW MENDES  and donate :D If you can send this post to other willing donaters it will be greatly appreciated.  Cheers
Hacker Report Forum / Re: Hacker FWE 2
January 16, 2010, 12:18:47 AM
back 2 back fly hackers havent seen that in a while
Hacker Report Forum / Re: Hack
January 15, 2010, 04:44:19 PM
yea ns catch defintly longpoke hack
Yea it look like he was using the vtol 2 get very high and spam !stuck 2 go above border line.
Chit Chat / Re: Snow for seamoss
January 03, 2010, 09:59:39 PM
Ill show you snow covering the cars...... :P Infact ill send you some snow all the way 2 the carribean  8)
GO SEAMOSS im sure ull make a fine adm  :P
Chit Chat / Re: copy cat server up XI mix server
January 02, 2010, 11:01:02 PM
thanks for the heads up  ;D
Chit Chat / Re: School's almost over.
January 02, 2010, 11:00:07 PM
lol yea we can create a voice room on x-fire.........since i cant go in TS. u B****es better not leave me out i want a piece of blake 2. I want 2 own
Wow seems like you guys were the only ones who knew of the exsisting flying tank. Well jut something to look out for.
LOL y the consecutive OMG?
A flying tank has been recorded in the mixed idiots server. kown as the XI server. Amazing.................