-{oFc}-YouTube Channel up

Started by ACHILLES, December 28, 2009, 01:27:43 PM

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ok well got the layout looking good but still having video upload problems so you wanna take a look this is the url
(Link has been removed user closed his u tube account) You will have to register to view the channel thanks Doc


Ok have a few vids up will continue to work on this channel for everyone to view as i said we will be posting map vids and we have even decided to post hack vids and a few how to vids for the editer thanks again doc


Yo, when you click it the message says "Invalid username" i think there is something really odd with your account maybe lol..  ??? Try making another one if you still have these problems. I remember you saying something about it the other day on TS.


Try this link dont get it it works other places ive posted it
(Link has been removed user closed his u tube account)


Quote from: -{oFc}-ACHILLES on December 30, 2009, 10:05:23 AM
Try this link dont get it it works other places ive posted it
hey doc i seen map kool  it works we can give it a test run when ya done


Which map you taking about lol the power struggle or a tia map


Achilles if your computer will let you, the videos can be recorded at high quality and then u can upload better quality on youtube. I think you have a 10 gig limit on there site. Anyway, i like the quarantine it looked cool.  8)


Yeah quarantine was a fun map to make kinda got the idea from a few movies but any how ounce me and pop figure out why it will work some times and not others i will be putting it up for public down load on file planet


Ok cool hoots about the hd videos um not sure how to set that up so will need some help but any ways there are ab unch more new vids up please check them out