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Make a teleport like on Ruins Multivesrion or Crysis original level:Core

Started by Ketchup, December 19, 2009, 11:35:10 AM

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Well this isn't actually a teleport, this is just a zero gravity volume, which is like some kind of a stream or a road, or a tunnel.

KK lets start

First go to RolupBAR and Misc:Gravity Volume

Just drag the tunnel to where you want it to be and double click to stop making it, just like a road tool. And make sure your assign to terrain (I think) is selected.

Now you have somethig like this.

Well lets make it a little bigger, so we don't fly out of it. If you really gonna make something like this, please put the sucking power higher so that you don't fly out and put solids around the tunnel too.

kk now move it in a good place, just like I did here :D

Well thats it for the gravity volume, but we need a particle effect, so that it will look like a tunnel thingy lol :D Go to your View:Open View Pane:DataBace View
And select particles, then click on a little folder at the top and poen alien environment (the fist one).

Now in the alien environment go to Stream.

Select the one I did, then drag in on the terrain, rotate it and scale it until you get a perfect place for it. :D

This looks like a good place for mine.

Now spawn and engoy the flying.

kk now lets say you want to add a sound to that, well then select your gravity volume and click create on the right side.

Name it something like...gravityvolumeteleport anytning you want. Now you will get something like this :D And put everything I did in there, which is one Misc:Start, one Time:Delay, one Logic:Any, and one Sound:Playsound.

Now conect them like this.

kk now for the sound part, select your gravity volume and right click on your Sound:Playsond and assign selected entity.

And now assign it.

you can p[lat with the sound and the gravity volume more, but thats it for my tutorial. Oh and this is how its gonna look like when you done.

Any requests? :D