{FWE} Clan Cleansing Adjustments

Started by {FWE}Ontime-Adm, December 25, 2009, 06:23:27 PM

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Hi all clan members.you are about to enter the art of clan cleansing

1. if you dont play the server
2. if you talk garbage about another clan member
3. if you have other teamspeaks and or forums and are a clan memeber of another clan
4. teamspeak abuse
5. crysis wars server abuse
6. if you spoof in any way (Unless you inform admins of the reason)
7. if you share any information about the use of our materals etc.
8. Hacked.

these are some of our rules that have been with us since we have had our servers and have been agreed on since the beggining. and if you have broken any of these you will be removed from the clan.how ever not banned from the server UNLESS YOU TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO GET YOURSELF BANNED.

Please look at the clan roster to see if you are still a member.

P.S. TeamSpeak is pasworded So if you are still on clan roster and you cannot get in. one of the members can give you the password Thank All that have helped with input on this.

Intime we will convert back to Adm's for the current clan members we will still run the tag {FWE} by time  the next version of crysis comes out we should be settled into Adm's again till then we will take it day at a time.


so im not allowed back in hu?   :( Talking bout TS.


Quote from: Undertaxer on December 25, 2009, 09:17:58 PM
so im not allowed back in hu?   :( Talking bout TS.
team speak is only for clan members.this way we keep order and what has happened in the last few days will not repeat itself.as nano has been doing his recruiting in our ts. taxer you told me yesterday you didnt want to be a clan member anymore and you also posted this.
when this happened http://www.fweclan.com/smf/index.php?topic=119.0 we had to make changes. our doors were open to all.now that we have been burnt we are making changes to prevent a repeat as i repeat myself.


yes i ackownledge that but i thought i would be a special guest or something. but its fine its your clan/regulations. I can not do anything to intervene. What if problems arise in server while i play their? Post it on Forums?


Quote from: Undertaxer on December 25, 2009, 09:30:42 PM
yes i ackownledge that but i thought i would be a special guest or something. but its fine its your clan/regulations. I can not do anything to intervene. What if problems arise in server while i play their? Post it on Forums?
taxer you will forget us soon do as you want  we have always managed and do have alot of devoted players that give us info thnx for that.

p.s. taxer you will have your closest friends to hang with. with your new ts and forums.from what i hear nano will be your new supporter of ts and the forums good luck


 ure wrong ontime my closest freinds in the clan where dragon nd hooters. hooters ull have 2 go on x-fire if you still wanna hang wit ol taxer  ;)


Quote from: Undertaxer on December 25, 2009, 09:59:48 PM
ure wrong ontime my closest freinds in the clan where dragon nd hooters. hooters ull have 2 go on x-fire if you still wanna hang wit ol taxer  ;)
taxer i just sent you the password to ts dont give it out plz

i sent it pm check your mesages


k cool. ill be on 2 morrow. still out of state. Merry Christmas


Thanks ontime Taxer is a buddy of mine  ;D.. I forgot to mention that today but it looks like you have taken care of it already 8)


Quote from: Hooters on December 26, 2009, 12:18:45 AM
Thanks ontime Taxer is a buddy of mine  ;D.. I forgot to mention that today but it looks like you have taken care of it already 8)
np man


i wish i never left u know i will miss u guyes dearly u know



no im not ok hoots i regret leaving i shouldnt have u guys are the greatest friends ive got specailly ontime i love talken to him he gave me company u know


now it seems like i am an idiot since day one ive always been apart of the clan  i wish i could come back if ontime let me u know im my heart its where i belong i dont think i can do what ontimes doing u know  :(


Running servers is a job in itself and you have learned that. I think ontime would not have a problem letting you be in our clan again. If so then i'm sure he will discuss the reasons as to why not. I myself like you cloud and think you are a cool guy. I also liked Taxer, Dragon, and Crysisxld. I hope that they can get back with us as well someday. The thing is the game is only fun with your friends and you and i both know this  ;D 8).. So i hope to see all of you sometime again in the clan. If not then i will see you all either way because we are buds  ;)