
Started by {FWE}Wicked-Ginger-Adm, April 30, 2011, 12:49:47 PM

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Lets welcome Yoshi
our newest member
he will be 6 on
the 20th of december
he loves mario and yoshi
and donkey kong too
he has a new computer
with lights that are blue
he is new to battlefield
and crysis wars
he is still learning the moves
and dosent worry about the scores
so take it easy on him
and please remember
that he is the son
of {FWE}Wicked-Ginger

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That is so cute,Welcome  to  THE (FWE) Clan, Yoshi ,learn well, do your chores,keep up with school work and listen to your parents,and be nice to your sisters,Have fun gaming. Whoo


hehee thats so cute welcome to the clan yoshi