Arma 3 Server Update

Started by {FWE}Ontime-Adm, April 21, 2017, 10:45:02 PM

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The {FWE}Clan has been testing a arma 3 server,the server name is {FWE} CLan -> Can-O-WooPaZZ!!! Test Server ,it has been fun learning a new type of server, right now we are testing CUP_Terrain Mods,CUP-Units-version,CUP-Vehicles-version,CUP-Weapons-version,CBA_A3,and the Ice Breaker Panthera Map,all mods are up and running, next step is creating mission files for the maps in the,CUP_Terrain Mods which includes 22 maps,and the Panthera Map.
There is a lot more to learn however so far everything is going very well, when we get confortable with creating mission files for these maps we will move onto an new server that will support alot more players we will start with around 64 players and take it from there, I would like to thank the {FWE} clan members  YouRock for the hard work dedication and patience in making this happen again Thanks {FWE}Ontime