New Webpage and Forums

Started by {FWE}Ontime-Adm, November 24, 2023, 02:49:26 PM

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Hi, We are preparing for Crysis 4, and doing some remodeling, cleaning up the place upgrading and going with the flow of technology ,The forums have been updated with the latest and best forum software, we have phone compatible themes, you can choose your own personal theme, When you see -->(A) When you are selecting your personal theme  from from the theme select option this means that theme is cell phone compatible, they are    Feather-->(A),   Cleantek214a-->(A),  News-->(A),  Brown_Shades-->(A),  NameX-->(A),  Steyle_V1-->(A),
 Charka-->(A), you can also select your own color in a couple of the themes.
A couple days from this post I am also  SmashComputer  Hammering out a new webpage at that is also updated clean and phone compatible, enjoy the content,
AS WE ALL WAIT FOR Crysis 4 to be released.
                                                                 Thank you {FWE}Ontime


Fweclans, New Web Page is done and running, please update your bookmarks or your favorites to display the new Web Page, and please update your old bookmark old Web Page And add your new book mark New Web Page The new Web Page has better content and is more compatible with phones and tablets, And is very nice looking and smooth  Cheers   Thank You {FWE}Ontime 


Hi everybody, there has been a slight change in the website restructuring, from the original post, we have built a new site --> FWE GALLERY and it contains mostly images,some news,and a archive of the FWE Clan and actual in game spawned aliens from the ever popular Crysis Wars,
 we were going to use this site as a main entry for all of our sites, however having to dealing with redirects, we just did not like it, so we rebuilt our main site --> Main entry fweclan site  and that will remain our main entry to our sites.
                      Thank You  {FWE}Ontime