Server settings

Started by {FWE}Ontime-Adm, November 12, 2009, 12:00:34 AM

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How Should The Server Be Setup

Server speed adjust down
2 (10%)
Strength Mode adjust down
2 (10%)
Spawn with laser all weapons
9 (45%)
Team Instant Action
11 (55%)
7 (35%)
Instant action
9 (45%)
Leave The speed The Way It Was
1 (5%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Voting closed: December 12, 2009, 12:21:50 AM


Hi we can vote here on server settings while the test server is running.if this server performes well this server will replace our exsisting server Free Weapons Enjoy (USA) 2.Add this server to your favorites

1.To turn speed down vote on speed
2. To turn strength down vote on strength
3. To spawn with lasers on all weapons  vote on lasers
4. To vote on maps vote on the maps you would like to see on the server
5. Vote On Speed To Leave It The Same (Last Option)


I personally miss the {FWE} version of Maximum Speed there were certain things one could of done that u can't do anymore because there is not enough speed honestly NOTHING was wrong with the speed one just has to know how to use it: how tap the button while running and not hold it down
          how to angle the body in mid air
          how to take a fall without dying and so forth
if ur a true gamer u adapt to your surroundings everything has its use EVERYTHING. But the people are in charge not me lol lol so if they want it reduced then the people have spoken


Crysisxld banned ip spoofing

Yeah ontime we really did like the speed before cause we cant do things we use to do now like seamoss said you could fall just right without dying if we had the same speed back lol i now see you cant do that anymore and the fact that its slower i think that we have lost a few more players scince you changed it.


WHERE IS MY SPEED!!!  I am going to start having to take drugs that speed me up now, if i dont get my speed back on crysis!


Don't have any time lately to play but i like the change.


That's exactly why your opinions do not matter Blake! lol..  :P :P :P


Hi we are just testing this new speed and input is  defently needed thanks all


i kinda like the speed we have now its fun to play that speed


Quote from: Hooters on November 19, 2009, 11:47:25 PM
That's exactly why your opinions do not matter Blake! lol..  :P :P :P


Crysisxld banned ip spoofing

lol..I wounder if its going to take affect in the future


I'd say the speed needs to be 10% slower.
I'm a big distracting target. =D