Rapid Fire Hack

Started by Undertaxer, December 11, 2009, 06:07:12 PM

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at the 45 second mark the guy unleashes 4 gauss shots at once and kills an enemy tank.
Name: Professor (bad teacher) lol
Time: 5:50pm EST
Type: Rapid Fire, possible aimbot  8) ;D :D


Didnt Have x-fire open at the moment pointed out the hacker to Mach990 nd he recorded.

Crysisxld banned ip spoofing

Yeah dud he definitly had a rapid fire hack...LOL its a good thing your caught him that time cause it hard to catch rapid fire people  ;D


GJ Brosive! we pown haxers~!  >:(

Hoots Out~!


  Nice Video man.... yeah that guy was hacking hahaha         


I was the map there on it.the boy swindler,that's true,but badly gaeming...indifferent 8)
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